Or Not All
Released in October 2020
Valerio Tricoli (tape recorder)
Nicolas Field (drums, electronics)
Thomas Florin (piano)

This acoustic piano-drums collaboration can be transformed through electronics into a hybrid spatial continuum creating a frictional, nervous symbiosis filled with jolts but also with abrasive and/or restrained fluidity.
"Snare hits and chord vamps scatter and rattle off the walls. They’re sucked into the tape and spilled out in a disjointed chronology. "
- Personnel : Valerio Tricoli (tape recorder), Nicolas Field (drums and electronics), Thomas Florin (piano)
- Recorded at the LeBourg, Lausanne in January 2019
- Mix and Master at the KonnektSoundLab by Nicolas Field
- Cover: Alban Thomas, Florian Vilpert, Chat@Sa, photos by Nicolas Field.